Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Been into town shopping with mum today, of course as it's tuesday I have bought some excellent broken jewellery off the market stall, and a few pieces of cheese may have been gathered too (not off the same stall!) I picked up some books from the oxfam bookshop, and even manged to get one from the list of things I saw in borders, so that was a bonus!
A man in the coffee bar we went to was talking to us today, he was so nice and friendly, but not in a scary way, he was asking about my walking stick and why I had it, again I longed for the day to come when I can just say I have...but I explained it all and he was nice. I felt so sorry for him though, he was telling us how he was engaged about ten years ago to a girl he had been with for five years, and one day he woke up, and she was dead. That must be so horrible, you must ask yourself so many what ifs, what if I had woken up earlier, what if I rolled over and hurt her, what if she had been shouting and I didn't hear....would take some time to heal that wound.

Friday, 27 March 2009

Today was to be draftproofing day, I got a letter saying they would be here 'in the morning' (vague as always) so I got up and dressed at 8am. This is difficult for me as I'm as ill person and normally only get up at 11am at the earliest. So I sat about since then, and nothing! I rang them when it was about quarter to 12 to find out what was going on etc. Apparently, the details of my house were wrong (I have 20 doors according to them!) and everyone was confused etc, so nothing happened with it. They coming on Monday now, in the afternoon, I would like to note! I would be less annoyed if they hadn't done a half arsed job of my cavity wall insulation, gah to them! They came to do it, at silly am, messed about for aaages with the van and came to the conclusion that they couldn't drive it down the backs, so I could have have the front of the house insulated. They start to unload everything and finally realised they did have everything and would have to come back the next day at silly am, of course!
I told the woman on the phone this today, she was actually nice, and she said she will send a different team on Monday, John and John are coming, they proper builder men in their 50s, not the dizzy useless 20-odd year old div's I got last time!

After all this I went to Borders for coffee with Nicky and AK, this was most soothing, as was the cross stitch magazine I simply HAD to buy, hee hee. I've subscribed (again) to it today, as I keep buying it anyway! I cancelled the writers magazine subscription too, so it balances out well! :D

Wednesday, 25 March 2009

The MRI went fine, the images are being sent to my neurologist and it should be a week or two before he gets back to me, depending on how many patients he has at the moment etc. I'm still hoping it will be sooner rather than later, also hoping that they will know what's wrong with me from the images and that I won't need a lumbar punch, that scares me!
I'm going for my MRI scan tonight, I'm excited about the actual scan, but I'm scared about the results, but I guess that's quite natural. I hope I don't have to wait too long for the results though, knowing the NHS it could be years til I get them, have to allow time for them to lose them and accidently send them to Africa and back first!

I've started work on a Howl's Moving Castle cross stitch, it's looking quite good and has lots of block colors so I'm getting through it quite quickly. I'm stitching it for Stu and it's going to go in the office when it's done.

Anyway, just a short post, I'm going to make a quick cake, before I have a bath!

Sunday, 22 March 2009

I've finished the cherub!!!!!! I'm so happy that's over with, damn thing, it's been going on and on for so long! Will take a photo tomorrow, maybe when it's framed, I think I'll put it in an oval frame I bought the other week, I have quite a few frames, so I can play about and see what it looks best in.
I stitched a card for Mother's day too, I got to use my pretty variegated thread that I've wanted to use for ages too, so that was a bonus!

I got a card and some presents off the cats today for Mother's day, I got a shower cap with a big pink cat on, and a candle holder with dangley cats on that turn round when the candle is lit, it's really nice! :D

Anyway, bedtime now!

Saturday, 21 March 2009

Egh! Just come back in from taking the photos at Darkcide, I'm not exactly feeling amazing! Tomorrow is going to be a fun filled day of pain and general eghness! I should have stayed in tonight really and rested, but no, I had photos to take and things so I went, and danced to about 3 songs, I'm a div!

Not done much stitching or anything today, just sat about being ill really. Hoping to finish the cherub of doom off tomorrow! Stu picked me up some threads I wanted today from the market, I sent him with a list which he handed to the lady on the stall, in a confused manner.

Mum coming over tomorrow, briefly, I think they are going on to Glasson Dock, I have been invited too (Stu going to Kendal to see his Mum) but I think I'm going to have to stay in a be sore instead :( Ahh well, Mum dropping off the fabric samples that I posted to her house, so I will have them to play with! I may be able to start a new project tomorrow if I get this infernal cherub finished!

Friday, 20 March 2009

Today has been a very creative day! I've finished off the bracelet for my Mum's mothers day present, so that's in it's box that I got yesterday, and ready to give to her. I think I will try and stitch a card tonight too, or maybe tomorrow.

I've started work on a charm bracelet for myself too. I've used a ready made T bar clasp bracelet, removed 8 or 9 links from it, and have started to put on the smaller items I've been finding on the market stall that sells broken jewellery. It's looking quite good and I'm looking forward to going back to the stall next week to find some more things to add to it!

I got a letter today off UCLAN, asking me to send them in a list of my grades from my year at Huddersfield University, so I shall try and send that off tomorrow, and hopefully they will get back to me by the end of the week, hopefully!

Thursday, 19 March 2009

I had a nice day today, I bought some good broken jewellery I should be able to do lots of things with, and I now have lots of fabric too, I still don't know what I'm going to do with it though, but it doesn't go off or anything so I guess it can just sit there until I get round to thinking of something to do with it.

UCAS news: I'm too thick to do medicine, they told me to fuck off, oh well

Wednesday, 18 March 2009

I've been quite creative today, I've finished off some stitching presents I've made for some friends and I think I may try and finish off something else before I go to bed, but I may do some reading or something else instead, my head hurts now :(

The weather is certainly looking up, I actually hung some washing out to dry on the line, I haven't done that yet this year. The garden is looking better too, I'm hoping to grow some sweet peas up the trunk of the plum tree Mum and Jeff brought over. The flower bed and two troughs are all planted up now too so they will look great when they start to flower. I'm looking forward to having somewhere pretty to sit in the better weather, I'm going to get a table and chairs set to put outside. I can take tea in the garden with friends ha ha!

Going to the market tomorrow, hoping to buy some broken jewellery gems to make into nice new pretty things for myself and others. Having lunch at the university with AK and Nicky and then I think we may be venturing to Abakhan for cheap fabric, whoop! I feel more creative days approaching! :)

Still no UCAS news.

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

I'm exhausted today, I went into town with Mum yesterday, so today is an official day of sofa and crafting! I have a few things I want to finish, so I shall see how much I can do today, then I think I may get the massive Autumn Fairy back out! This cross stitch is HUGE, I started it about a year ago but I just had it on a large frame and I was struggling to hold it, so it got put away, but I have a stand now, so I think it's time it saw the light of day again, just hope the faffing about setting it up doesn't put me off.....again! :p

I cleaned and fixed three broken bracelets I bought from the car boot the other day, and they look great, in fact Mum has rub off with one of them as she has earrings that match it, she says ha ha, it was too big for me and my midget wrists anyway, and untakeinable :P The other two are mine though, one of them I'm very proud of as it was dirty as hell and in three pieces, it took aaaages to find on the stall, but I did and now it looks fab, just wish I had taken some before photos, I shall have to remember to do this with the next batch I get, that will be Thursday, I'm actually excited it's quite sad! :p

In other news, we think Eddie may have broken his tail! He isn't holding it correctly and it's all lumpy and obviously sore when we touch it in a certain place, but he seems happy enough and is jumping up onto things just fine and is coming for snuggles in bed etc, so he can't be in too much pain or anything. We shall keep an eye on him for a few days and if there is no change then I think we shall be taking a trip to the vet, which is going to be fun as Eddie HATES the basket, egh!

Still no UCAS news!

Saturday, 14 March 2009

Tea and cake!

The teaparty went really well, the cakes I baked came out just as I wanted them to do and best of all quite a few people turned up! People enjoyed themselves and a few others have said they would like to have a teaparty too, I could have started a trend! I think we will be having another one in the future, would be nice to have it Alice in Wonderland themed! I'm so happy people turned up, and not only that, they enjoyed themselves which is always important. It was nice to have a party that wasn't booze and loud music centered, or at night, having a party in the afternoon works out well as people can come before children need to go to bed, or before they go on a night out to pubs and clubs.

Mun and Jeff met Stu's parents for the first time tonight, and they seemed to get along well. There was never too much worry about it though as they are quite similar people, same temperament, sense of humour, etc. I'm glad they have met though, was starting to feel a bit weird them not meeting after 1year and 9 months of being with Stu!

I'm thinking tomorrow will be a day of doing very little! I'm going to be so so tired, but there isn't anything that needs to be done, so I shall have to just relax with a book and a peppermint tea! We may have some people over in the evening for wine and (of course) cake! We need to have people over to get rid of this damn cake, Stu can't possibly eat it all! I think party bags will be given out next time! :D

All in all it's not been a bad day, although I do now have the urge to buy cake tins of many shapes!

Friday, 13 March 2009

I now have a star shaped chocolate cake and a loaf tin shaped carrot cake! I haven't iced them yet, not too sure what I'm going to do exactly, but I'll think of something! Think I'm going to make some biscuits tonight too, and then finish stuff off tomorrow!

I have an appointment for my MRI scan now, March 25th at 7.15pm, which I thought was a rather random time for a hospital appointment!

Still no UCAS news, of course.
I got a letter from the hospital today asking me to call them up and make a 'mutually convenient appointment' with them for an MRI scan, but they are closed 12-2pm so I will ring them in a bit, hopefully I won't have to wait too long for an appointment. I will have to make it on a Monday or a Thursday though, as Mum is off then and will simply have to come with me, in that way she always has to, ha ha!

I got a couple more free samples of material today, still nothing from Dalton Mill though, I'm building it up in my head I just know I will be disappointed! I did get a free book today though, by Stuart Maconie, it's about the northwest, so I will have a leaf through that later on.

I don't know what to make for the teaparty tomorrow, I'm so scared of nobody turning up, people always drop out of coming to my parties and things, I don't want to be left with a table full of cake and nobody to eat it, espically as I can't eat wheat and gluten! I sent a reminder around people last night, via facebook, so hopefully people will come. I always worry about nobody coming, which is silly as I don't like crowds of people either ha ha! At least I can be tight chested, nervous and popular though :p I think I will make some biscuits soon, and use the new cat shaped cookie cutter I bought yesterday, I should probably try out the star shaped cake tin too! That's going to be fun to line! agh!

Still no UCAS news!

Thursday, 12 March 2009


After trapsing round Chorley charity shops all day, leaving myself half dead, I am very pleased to announce I now have a three tier silver cake stand! Last bloody shop we went in and I had to ask as it was in the stockroom, but I got it, and I'm so happy! I also got a star shaped cake tin, 3 pairs of cat socks (socks with cats on, not socks for cats but that would be cool), a pair of eyes for the towel cat, cheese, some books and other random objects! All in all it can be said that we had a good shop!

My free samples of fabrics are starting mount up, the Dalton Mill ones haven't arrived yet so I'm looking forward to those! I'm not too sure what I'm going to make with them yet, but I'm sure I can quilt something or another, a bag maybe?

Still no UCAS or hospital news.

Wednesday, 11 March 2009

So tired today, I'm just sitting about watching Dr Phil and Dickinsons Real Deal, it's quite sad! I think it maybe hot vimto time soon.

Not done too much more on the towel cat, but I do have a bag of stuffing now. I did a testing stuff of the head and it doesn't look quite as bad as I thought it would, so things are looking up! I shall have to buy some eyes tomorrow when I go shopping tomorrow, we hitting the charity shops in Chorley, it's possibly the only reason to go to Chorley, there's very little else there, except pubs! I can safely say I don't miss the place, but I am looking forward to searching out some bargains! :D

I still haven't heard anything from UCAS or from the hospital, was hoping I would have had a letter from the hospital by now, I went on 27th Feb, but there's time yet, maybe something will appear later this week.

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

The towel cat is coming along, I managed a whole head and tail yesterday, so I'm hoping to have i finished today, although I don't know what to stuff it with, cooked pasta? My sewing skills aren't that amazing too so I can't help but feel the cat is going to look a bit like it has some sort of disability but then again that's OK, it's a special house here as it is, ha ha!

I was ment to to be going out for tea tonight at a friend's house but that's now been cancelled as I'm struggling to get out of bed and downstairs, let alone to the train station and beyond, may try tomorrow, may not, this is the joy of having a body that allows you to do different things each day. I never quite know if it's going to be a walking day or not, today it's not!

Monday, 9 March 2009

I am the reaper

Most of this morning has been spent ordering free samples of fabric from dalston mill and various sites on the wonderous interweb! I can't wait for them to arrive, espically as most of the sites say they should be here in 24 or 48 hours.
I wonder what things I will create with my free fabric samples, I may do a quilted shopping bag or something like that. I can't really go for anything too exciting as I'm only a beginner and I don't own a sewing machine, so everything has to be done by hand, which isn't easy when you are the proud owner of crippled rubbishy hands :p
This reminds me, I'm sure Mum said she had a sewing machine doing nothing that I could have, I will have to ask about this tonight! :D

Sunday, 8 March 2009

First Post

Ok, here I am I've started my blog, I've tried this before and it didn't go very well, but I'm going to try again and see if I can stick to it!
I'm thinking that I may put a link onto my toolbar that way I'll see it everyday and maybe remember to click on it and write stuff!

Anyway, today I'm all wiped out, had an Ann Summers party last night, which was fun, but I ate crisps and chocolate which I shouldn't eat and so was violently sick before going to bed :( I'm feeling rubbish but I think I may have a go at doing something creative today, maybe the terry towel cat that I found online.