Thursday, 23 July 2009

Death and Garlic

Discovered two of our fish have died today, and the others are seriously not looking good, severe fin rot has set in! I blame Pets at Home, the tank was fine, we buy two new fish, and *poof* death and destruction in an aquatic type manner! As I type Stu is wondering the aisles of Pets at Home with a sample of the tank's water and a generally saddened and annoyed manner. Let's hope we can save the others! Stu has threatened to get rid of the tank if they all die, I would find that quite sad though as I do like the fish, but it is a lot of work for Stu, cleaning them out and things. Anyway, we shall see how it goes.

I have done a tiny bit of gardening today, not too much though as I feel rather off at the moment. I trimmed back the nasturtians and hanging tomatoes, I'm hoping to get quite a few tomatoes in the next couple of weeks, it's full! I also re potted the garlic, as it has been slowly drowning! I took the bulbs out, which have come on loads, emptied out the waterlogged soil, popped two holes in the bottom of the trough and replanted with new soil. Hopefully, they will come on a little faster now they don't need armbands!
I rehomed some caterpillars too, they are most welcome to chill out on the nasturtians as there is an abundance of them, but they get forcibly removed from anywhere else! After looking at a website I have found out that I moved two cabbage white butterfly caterpillers, one drinkermoth and another spikey one that seems to be 'helpfully' labelled 53, ahhh well!

In cat news, Lucy has decided she is partial to coffee cake! *sigh* Part cat, part Labrador!

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